You have a project where you added a webhook for your deployments. After that, you return on the DORA Metrics page and notice you don't see any data when you look at your lead time for changes metric. Here are few investigation steps.
1. Make sure your deployment webhook has been trigger.
You can validate if Axify can listen to the webhook by inspecting if the webhook has been triggered. In the Project settings page, in Integrations tab, go to the Deployments section and verify that your webhook has a date. If no date is available, it means Axify didn't capture any deployment from this webhook.
2. Make sure you use the good environments.
Sometimes Axify can't capture deployment because we haven't match your environments. You can update which environment we should use in the Update environments window. Learn more about updating your deployment environments.
3. Is there any pull requests in your deployments?
When you go in DORA page, you can click on the graph icon to see its detail. Verify if there is any deployment available, and if yes, does it have any pull request. It may be possible that there are a few deployments available, but none contain any pull request and they contain only commits. In this instance, Axify doesn't calculate the lead time for changes because we can't calculate its sub-phases such as coding/pickup/review time.
4. Have you deployed since you added your webhook?
When you use a webhook, we can't match historical pull requests to deployment. We start calculating these metrics only after you added the webhook. What we expect is your next pull requests that you will deploy will now be matched to deployments, and the lead time for changes will take them into its calculation.
For example, if you added a webhook yesterday and you have no deployment since, Axify won't show any lead time for changes because we don't have data to calculate it from.
Note: Axify sync data every 2 hours. If you have deployed a pull request very recently, it might only be included after the next synchronization.
If you still have questions, send us a ticket or write to